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Message: Re: Kirk hive?

Dec 29, 2017 03:09PM

I don’t think it’s that people want him to fail. I think it’s that people don’t think he’s worth what he’s being paid. It’s an unfortunate situation that we’ve gotten into. We should never have tagged him. We should have gotten him on a contract at a smaller payout years ago buuuuuut coulda, woulda, shoulda, right? Now fans are just upset seeing such large payout to someone that doesn’t seem to really want to even stay with the Skins any more. I like Cousins (well maybe not how he treats fans when cameras aren’t rolling...watching my little girl cry sucked) but I do like Cousins. I do not think he’s an elite QB, I don’t think he’s worth a huge payout BUT I DO think we need him and need to next season. We cannot afford to start over with another QB right now and I think he will only get better. So as for people not wanting him succeed, I don’t think that’s it at all. I think people just want to see a change in the team, they are frustrated and know Allen isn’t going anywhere, so they are going after the paycheck that needs to be lowered. 

Dec 29, 2017 04:32PM

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