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Message: If Not Kirk The Who????

'm getting tired of hearing how Kirk is not elite and Kirk is not a good QB and this and that. Of course he's not elite I know this and I don't know why that is even an argument with fans and the experts. I'm not one of those fans that think oh Kirk had a good game we're going to the Superbowl (like every Cowboys & Eagles fan alive). I do actually think Kirk is a good QB and he hasn't reached his full potential yet. Kirk is definitely seeing the field better and there have been games where I'm like wow this guy can really play. Kirk is the right person for our team in my opinion. I think we have some good pieces in place to build around also. But my question is this if not Kirk then who? Who is a better fit to run the Redskins offense under Jay Gruden? 

Dec 27, 2017 05:38PM

Dec 27, 2017 06:51PM
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