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FanCom Home Of The 3X Super Bowl Champions

Message: Winners From Last Week's Challenge and Competition

It appears that a lot of our winners from last week are not able to come into the studio for us to tape their answer to the question "What's Bugging You NFL Fan". So for those winners who cannot come into the studio on Monday, please follow the following steps:

You won't be able to skype into the show, but what we would like you to do is to video tape your answer and email it to [email protected]. Please start the video off by saying:

Patty, what's bugging me about this NFL season is .... and then please finish it with ... "That's What's Bugging Me" You will be alerted the week your answer will be used on the TV show which will probably be within the next 3 to 7 weeks. In your email please state:

Your Full Name

City & State or if outside the USA then City, State and Country

What You Do For A Living 

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