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Home of the 5X Super Bowl Champions

Message: Re: 1-5?

Oct 12, 2017 03:59PM

Let's hope so. Need a fast start and points on the board in the form of TDs early and often. That Redskin D Line has played well at home and we need balance with a strong run game to take the heat off of Hoyer.

The 9er secondary is going to face their biggest challenge to date with the Skins passing game and if we can't get pressure on Cousins, it could make for a long day. Somehow, they need to get Kirk out of rhythm and get their hands on a couple of balls. Whatever Philly was able to do to them early in the season is what needs to be repeated from a defensive standpoint. 

They need to scratch and claw their way to a win. This is when their allegiance together as a team starts to be tested, when things aren't going well, how do they respond? We will see this Sunday. 

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