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Message: CNBC Interviews Bryant McFadden and Simeon Rice - Great Job Gentlemen!

On October 1, Fancom went live and the reaction from fans can be summarized as “this is what we’ve always wanted”. Just 5 days later, CNBC heard about our game changing platform and interviewed two of our great players, Simeon Rice and Bryant McFadden live and nation wide.

CNBC did a great job asking about the revolutionary business model, in which players earn up to 50% of the income and equity of Fancom.  After all, CNBC is a leading business channel. But they also did a great job emphasizing the most important thing about Fancom – No Profanity, No Trolling, No Bullying.

We are thrilled to be recognized by a major global network less than a week into our 3-year plan … but we’re not surprised.  Social media platforms have become toxic for their inability to control the vitriol that was once infrequent but now dominates every conversation.  Fancom won’t change the world – yet – but we will change the way football players and fans talk the game. That’s as good a place to start as any.


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