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Message: The future of the league

In my years as an football fan I've seen many changes across the landscape. None as impactful as the revelation of CTE. As science progresses in this area we see how impactful this disease is on players, and their families. 

It's been reported that enrollment in the sport has seen a massive decline since the news broke of this a few years ago, and I get it. It's an incredibly scary proposition. Players reporting losing motor skills and cognitive function in their really 40's is frightening. But where does that leave the sport we loved our entire lives? What measures can truly be taken to save these men from this disease. I guess time will tell. 

My point in all this is I have a 15 year old son who's lifelong passion is reaching the NFL, and becoming a star. I've trained him since he could walk, and his natural ability is impressive. But even after explaining to him the dangers of CTE he remains vigilant in obtaining that goal. A part of me applauds him for that. A part of me is terrified. I ultimately came to the decision that I won't stand in the way of his dreams. I don't want him to ever have that what if moment, and then hold  resentment towards me for doing my job as a parent. 

For many people this is the only way out. The reality of their situation, their environment combined with their natural gifts as an athlete opens doors typically closed to them. It's sometimes literally their only way out. My son's lucky that this isn't his reality. That then begs the question. Am I wrong? Should I stop him from chasing his dreams so that he could live a full, and hopefully happy life. Or am I right? Should I allow him to chase his dreams, and not stand in the way of a kid who knows the risks yet stoically still pursues his interests?

The truth is I struggle with this decision everyday. But I see the way he lights up when he has the ball in his hand. Or when a game is on the tv. It's inspiring to watch. I'm sure many parents face this dilemma, and ultimately the league is suffering for it. 

What are your thoughts? Do you see the league collapsing in 20 to 30 years? What approach would you take with your child? 

Sound off. All takes are welcome. 

Jan 24, 2018 03:22PM
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